Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tasting at Louis 649/ core members meeting Nov 10th

On the heels of our huge new member's mixer, the core group decided to meet and discuss the future of our beloved EWI. What better forum than an East Village free liquor tasting? Kaitlin, Pooneet, Mike, Emily W., Alaina, Erin and I congregated at Louis 649 and discussed the fact that although growth was a good thing, we did not want to become a huge, impersonal mega-club. We value the personal relationships and familiarity that is only possible with small to midsized group. It was decided that we would stop our monthly recruiting events until we had become familiar with the 20ish new members we just added. Then it was time to start the drinking!

The tasting happened to be an Italian bitters tasting. Generally used as an ingredient in cocktails, they are making a bit of a comeback and we were subjected to tasting a wide range of them strait! The enthusiastic young presenter held us captive for a two hour comprehensive history of the stringent stuff. Most of us simply choked down the bitter brew, but leave it to our Pooneet to actually like the stuff!

At the end of the presentation there was a Q&A competition with the grand prize of a two foot tall bottle of Campari. As people tried and failed to answer the obscure questions about dates of production and countries of origin, we heard Pooneet mutter the answer under his breath. We all immediately started cheering and bringing the host's attention to our table. He of course had the correct answer (again, leave it to our Pooneet!) and ended the evening lugging the huge bottle home!

It was an interesting evening to say the least!

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