Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The First Event: August 9th, 2009

Kaitlin and I met on Friday to discuss where we should have our first meet and greet, where to take our culinary club from cyberspace to an in-the-flesh party.

Our initial thought was that we needed to find a neutral, public place in case there were any crazies in the bunch! In fact, Kaitlin was a bit concerned about meeting me in person. Ironically we both envisioned each other as old ladies, it was rather amusing when we finally set eyes on each other, both in our twenties, wearing matching strands of pearls.

After meeting each other, we decided that anyone into epicurean delights was probably too happy to be a mass murderer, so she volunteered to host our mixer on her condo's rooftop garden.

It ended up being nine of us, a conglomeration of all backgrounds! We had a paralegal (Kaitlin), a lawyer (Emily W.), two finance guys (Mike and Pooneet), two lucky ladies in publishing (Erin and Alice), one international banker (Kyung) and a lowly assistant, Me. We were all in our twenties/early thirties and we all bonded instantly over our shared passion for all things culinary.

I would say 7 out of 9 of us love to cook, though no one has a culinary degree. We all find our passion for the edible to be our salvation from the mundane realities and disappointments of our respective lives.

Erin, one of our lovely publishing girls, came up with our name. A name that falls just shy of pretension into the silly and ironic: Eating With Impunity (EWI for short)!

We EWI members sat and drank ten bottles of wine, laughed and shouted, and finally ended-up at an after party of sorts at the finance guys' loft (Mike and Pooneet). We were there to preview the space for future dinner parties and ended-up helping Pooneet make fried risotto balls, while slugging down even more cocktails!

This was the first of many EWI events, fueled by good conversation, tasty food and copious quantities of alcohol, that left us with a happy glow and practically debilitating hangover on Monday morning! Our little group is proof positive that gastronomic passion overrides religious, economic, ethnic and professional affiliation, food truly is the great equalizer and EWI is an ode to that fact.

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